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Crossroads Road: A Novel (2011)

by Jeff Kay(Favorite Author)
3.56 of 5 Votes: 2
098333580X (ISBN13: 9780983335801)
Smoking Fish Media
review 1: Got this as a free copy in exchange for a review. Loved it! It was a lot of fun, all about a very dysfunctional family that are all coerced into living in the same cul de sac after the mother of them wins millions in a lottery. She offers 2 million to each of her children and a luxury house if they will live as her neighbours. We get to meet all the siblings and their families, and they're all bonkers in one way or another. The story narrator comes across as the most normal. Will all of the craziness rub off on him? Will he get fed up and leave? Whatever happens is going to be described in a vividly funny way. You could almost see it as a sitcom in the making!
review 2: I won this e-book from LibraryThing Members Giveaways. I was expecting this to be a highly
... moreentertaining story about adapting to life with the highly dysfunctional in-laws all living in a purpose built cul-de-sac. Yes, it was quite amusing as far as mild entertainment goes. Once again, I struggled with the writing style but this could be a 'lost in translation' thing as I am not American and I don't know the places where the book is set. Therefore I cannot judge the writing style on accuracy. This is Jeff Kay's first novel and it isn't a bad first attempt. It shows promise and with practise and experience I would expect him to better this story. There were some grammatical errors. Unfortunately this is often the case these days, but I did not feel that this detracted from the book. less
Reviews (see all)
Pure fun, an enjoyable book. I can't wait for the movie.
It definitely had some funny parts. A real quick read.
This book had a crazy storyline. I enjoyed it.
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