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All Fishermen Are Liars (2014)

by John Gierach(Favorite Author)
4.19 of 5 Votes: 4
145161831X (ISBN13: 9781451618310)
Simon & Schuster
review 1: I really surprised by this book: sporting texts don't always make for interesting reading. After being alerted to this one by a newspaper review, I really loved it. It comprises beautifully written essays full of wry humour and observations about places, people and life in general. These can be read and reread in any order. Oh, and if you are the least bit interested, you'll also learn a bit about the art of fly fishing and fly fishermen. It is truly wonderful.
review 2: All Fisherman Are Liarsby John GierachGoodreads AuthorIf you ever want to fly fish best read this first. The author knowswhere to go and what baits to use, ect. Lucky are those who can havea job that is fishing. I should have read this many years ago! My cast may have went in the water, instead
... more of getting tangled in the bushes next to me.I enjoyed the humor sprinkled in the fishing trips. less
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It's an enjoyable read, but nothing more than a well-polished blog.
Nobody writes more beautiful essays about fishing than john gierach
Like reading a letter from an old friend.
Nice to read some Gierach again.
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