Books: 13 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.05
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John Ringo

4.03 of 5 Votes: 4
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Books by John Ringo
Tiger by the Tail (2013)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: I paid to see this novel in Advanced Reader Copy, from one of my favorite authors, one of my favorite series. I could only force down about a quarter of it... clearly the "co-author" had taken over the controls. Characters had the same names, but no resemblance to previous nove...
The Tuloriad (2009)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This is a indirect link in the Legend of Aldenata series. Of the others I've read in this series, I was 50/50 love/hate, so I did go into this with some trepidation. In this book, the "bad guys" from the series get a chance at redemption. There is a very interesting religious ...
Under a Graveyard Sky (2013)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I loved the premise - zombie apocalypse occurs because someone used weaponized aerosol sprays in U.S. airports to infect the widest number of people - check! The smart survivors head out into the open sea - Check! Then they start rescuing other people at sea who might be trapped ...
Tiger by the Tail Limited Signed Edition (2013)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: If you've read the other books in this series there will be absolutely NO surprises in it for you. I have to confess that I enjoy reading some of the high-octane, over-the-top combat scenes and military hardware acronyms, mixed with shoot 'em ups and no more than a cursory attemp...
Queen of Wands (2012)
3.97 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: First off, of all The John Ringo's Books, this is probably the one that is most "acquired taste." It's Contemporary Fantasy with a Christian protagonist in an All Myths Are True universe. Barbara Everett is a fun lead. Competent and yet not really knowing why she is. Earnest and ...
To Sail a Darkling Sea (2014)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I hesitated before starting this series. I figured zombies were beneath Ringo, a waste of his time and mine. I'm glad I didn't skip this one, because he's hitting EVERYTHING that I like in his writing, and minimizing the stuff that wrecks the mood. As always, he's big on action...
The Hot Gate (2011)
4.21 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I'm a big John Ringo fan because I think he's got a great way with military stories whether they're set in space, Earth, etc. This was no exception. The first book is mainly the story of one man bootstrapping a space-based military to defend against alien overlords. After that, t...
Islands of Rage and Hope (2014)
4.31 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I read the first two books in the series,and Ringo's latest doesn't disappoint. This must have been a fast print because there were a few minor typos, but the humor and action were intact, and since he is former 82nd airborne, you learn a lot about military command structure and ...
Under a Graveyard Sky Signed Limited Edition (2013)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: It is refreshing when a book about the Zombie Apocalypse establishes how the zombie plague started. This book handled this well.I have been enjoying how the story is about rescuing people who have survived the zombie plague at sea.John Ringo writes action very well, read his Ghos...
Claws That Catch (2008)
4.12 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Okay, so this series has always been a little bit silly up until now. Cat people, hamster people, humourous acronyms.... but this fourth and apparently final book in the series really ramps it up, especially towards the end. Now, I kind of enjoyed the extra silliness a little, bu...
Queen of Wands - Signed Limited Edition (2012)
3.97 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: "Queen of Wands" by John Ringo is book 2 of a 2 book series. It was a reasonable sequel to the "Princess of Wands" but it wasn't as good and I didn't think book 1 was all that good. Still... if you are a church-going Christian it might hold appeal. It is violent, however. Just so...
Honor of the Clan (2009)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Iron Mike O'Neal is recalled to Earth and giving the task of subduing the rebel Bane Sidhe who are giving the Darhel elves problems. He is unaware that his father and daughter survived the Posleen wars and that they are the leaders of the rebels as they object to humans being tre...
Islands of Rage & Hope (2000)
4.32 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: I got both books two and three at the same time and finished them back to back. I've come to love to hate Ringo at times, but I really did enjoy this book.If you've already been reading the series you'll know by now that the Wolf Squadron needed a land base with sufficient resou...
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