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Status 2 (2013)

by Jordan Belcher(Favorite Author)
4.24 of 5 Votes: 2
Felony Books
review 1: Picking up where the craziness in Part 1 leaves off...."Status 2" is "The Unpredictable Truth"! One would think after Tyesha's past traumatic experiences with "The Site" she'd delete her page, overcome her addiction or be a little more reserved with her post! NOPE! NOTTA! NOT EVEN CLOSE!Read on as Tyesha continues to share and attract new stalkers! Again....Full of suspense and detailed similarities to Facebook "Status 2" will creep you out and leave you reevaluating EVERYTHING you share on social networking sites. SUPER HYPED to read part 3!EyeCU Reading, Approved & Recommended!
review 2: BLAHHHHH ...... I expected a little more of a story line… and it ended rather abruptly forcing into Part 3 whether you wanted to be there or not. ****Spolier**** the ring m
... moreade of cocaine? REALLY? Lol in that moment alone I deducted a star from the rating. I will read part 3 to see what happens with Velma and Dava and to see if MY suspicions on who I think the stalker is are correct.| less
Reviews (see all)
great read I read it within a couple of hours couldn't put it down.can't wait to order status 3
TMI on TheSite. Will Tyesha learn? Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
Just as good as the first one! Ready for part 3
still bein dumb smh
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