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Arctos (2000)

by Jordan Summers(Favorite Author)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 4
Phantom Warriors
review 1: Caitlin's friend calls her in a panic and so thinking her friend is hurt she goes to Alaska. She finds out her friend is fine. She was just broken hearted. While she is there she decides to try to get some awesome pictures that might get on the cover of National Geographic. She did not expect to get attacked by a Polar Bear and end up having some Caveman rescue her. She ends up being stuck in a cabin with the man who's name she learns is Arctos. She feels this need for him. She wants to take care of him, cook for him and she just flat out wants him.Arctos thought Caitlin was a little girl when he first seen her till she moved and he seen all of her womanly curves. He wanted her from that moment until he seen her lift her camera and aim it at some polar bears and he thought... more it was a weapon. Regardless when he seen the Polar Bear go after her he tried to save her. He was too late though. To save her he had to start the bonding process. Which upsets him because he is not sure if she is his mate or not but he had to save her. He is touched and starts to become more certain that she is when she starts doing things for him that only a mate would. He has no clue how she will react though when he tells her what he is. An Alien/shifter whose other form can either be a Polar Bear or a Wolf. And that she is his mate.I LOVED this one. I like how she started to behave at the end when the bond really took hold. I liked that even though he only had three days that he was leary about her. He didn't jump right in just assuming that she was his true mate. I definitely recommend reading. This book is part of a series but can be read as a stand alone. I give this book 4.5 Hearts. I'm eager to read more of this Authors books. 'Read and Reviewed by LSK Sweetheart Reviews'
review 2: 3.5 StarsThis is the first book I have read in this series (I know, I know, I started at #4, oops). So there is this race called Phantom Warriors. They are from another planet and have the ability to change shape into a beast. Arctos is a polar bear shifter. You aren't ever told why he is chillin' on Earth but according to the book description it's to find a mate, so maybe that's something explained in books 1-3. You do find out that women are apparently rare on the old home planet.Caitlin came to Alaska because she thought her friend was in trouble (turns out she was heart broken again, the girl is a serial dater). She is a wildlife photographer, so she decides to make the best of a bad situation and goes out to take pictures of the polar bears. While she is clicking away one of them goes after her and attacks, clawing her open. Arctos finds her, fights off the polar bear getting injured himself, and heals her by sharing his essence, starting a bond with her. Bonding with Caitlin apparently nixes his chances of ever finding a true mate and bonding with her. One bond, one girl, forever, I guess. Then a snow storm hits and they try to make it back to a town, but can only make it to a little cabin that is conveniently empty. Arctos realizes he is attracted to her, Caitlin realizes she is attracted to him...things heat up (sexy man!). Arctos decides he wants her as his true mate. What I wasn't too thrilled about was how that all came about. So they can bond with any girl and as long as the Warrior is cool with the girl, blam, they are mated? Arctos is sweet and all...but I guess I want more signs she is the right one. Lightening bolts accepted. Once they bond for a second time the girl basically is changed to becomes like her mate, so Caitlin was in for a bit of a surprise. Then she has to go back to the home planet. The end. less
Reviews (see all)
So far this one and one other have been decent. The others have been train wrecks..
How can something so freezing cold be so amazingly hot?
Short but loved it all the same :)
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