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Strike Three, You're Dead (2013)

by Josh Berk(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 1
0375970088 (ISBN13: 9780375970085)
Knopf Books for Young Readers
review 1: I liked this book. The characters were very well developed. I thought that it was very funny how Lenny, who was the main character, had two friends and they were called Mike and other Mike. The only thing that I didn't like about this book was that it was very predictable. I knew that Lanny would win the contest, and the I knew that RJ Weathers was going to die because it was his first big league game and it was pretty obvious that he would die. Overall this book was pretty good. I recommend this book for 5th-9th graders.
review 2: Worst book I've read in quite some time. First off, it was 72 pages in before the mystery starts. I get that the author was doing some setup work here but that is just too much. Second it was difficult read because of the word flo
... morew. Third there was too much description of certain things. One or two descriptions is more than enough, any more is just over kill. Fourth there were chapters that seemed like the author was just extending the story with useless material that was not relevant to the story. Finally while this is supposed to be aimed at middle scholars most of the humor in this book was not even funny. less
Reviews (see all)
It is a good book to read. I think many people would like to read this book.
Fun sports history esp. for Phillie fans. Mystery, humor.
It was awesome. I love baseball books.
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