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The Road To Forgiveness (2000)

by Justine Elvira(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Amazing Sebastian was heartbroken when mia left he gave her few days & came looking for her wanted answer why she run away.he found her made her realise he's not going anywere he loves her they gave a month's trial to see if they could make ago if there relationship,she realised she can't live without him.loved story,characters,love Sebastian & mia relationship.Sebastian got greatest gift of all & he promised to love & protect her forever & he did.beautiful ending to amazing story.
review 2: I was happily surprised by this book in the fact that it was a bit of a step up from its counterpart. While I was reading the first half of Mia and Sebastian’s story, I was disappointed in the weak main character and lack of character depth. Mia was an extremely clingy ma
... morein character, completely incapable of holding her own in any way. She spent so much of her time reliving her grief that she failed to see the good things that were happening in her life. Sebastian was a sex fiend, using women like play things and treating them with little to no respect. Gag. My biggest peeve, however, with both parts of this story, was the lack of character depth. For both of the characters you are treated to a few sentences, a paragraph maybe, on each character. The reader is never given enough backstory to really connect with these characters, so they come of flat, and hard to connect to. Now I believe that these books were written as novellas, but nonetheless, without a character to fall in love with, why would I come back to read more? I think that lacking element really hurt these stories. As this installment of the story starts, we find Sebastian bound and determined to get Mia back. She has run away from his home, while carrying his child. Thankfully for him, he has money to blow, so he is able to drop everything in Miami to fly to Georgia to find her. His ultimate goal is to find this whiney woman and bring her back home with him where she belongs, so they can start their family properly. You spend most of this time reading about him wandering around unsure of where to go and where to look. For a short book, she really tended to lack in the much needed details.A breaking point in this book is when the author finally clues you in a little more on what is causing Mia to carry this massive amount of guilt. We finally begin to understand the depth of sadness that Mia feels for the death of her son. These new details make the first part of this story a little more bearable, but they would have been a little more useful in the first book, rather than halfway through this one.Thankfully we also saw Mia take great strides to becoming less weepy and self-damming. She begins therapy and learns how to deal with all the guilt and sadness in a much healthier way. It also opens the door just a little crack and allows the reader to see the love that her and Sebastian share and gives you hope that she will be able to move on. She is less whiny and annoying than she was previously, and seems to get things together.I did however find this book to be a little fa-r fetched. As the story comes to a close, you find that neither one of them really has to do anything but lay around and sleep together. Now I have read my fair share of “Billionaire falls for the lowly peasant girl” and in almost every one of those books the billionaire takes a few moments to get out of bed and actually get dressed and take on the world. Much like an episode of Friends, you wonder… do these people ever work?!»as with the last installment of this book, it was a quick read. However, this one was a little more enjoyable to read. Not sure why this book needed to be split in two, as it isn’t very long. But kudos for bringing the book back around, and wrapping this story up well.For more reviews… check out my Book Blog!The Strange Musings of a Bookaholic..Smit5674.tumblr.comI post a new review every Monday and Friday!!Happy Reading…and May the Odds Be EVER in Your Favor! less
Reviews (see all)
Loved the sequel to road to price! I wish their were more books in the series!
3.5 stars. It was ok.
Love it
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