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Saving Me (2013)

by Kelsie Blanton(Favorite Author)
3.41 of 5 Votes: 4
Smashwords, Inc
review 1: This is a hard book to review, the story itself had a lot of potential. We have the young girl Peyton who seems to have it all. We have Steve, the High School Quarterback, and we have Aaron who takes Steve's place as the High School Quarterback. And we have a horrible incident that is told in extremely graphic detail.For me this book was unbelievable. Not because of what happens to Peyton, because that has happened and will happen sadly many times in the future. But because of her reaction to it all. Her reaction to Aaron was unbelievable, her reaction to Steve was unbelievable. And basically most of the things she does are a bit unrealistic to a girl in her situation. I do NOT recommend this book to anyone younger than 15 or 16 because of the graphic scenes which a... morere in this book. I also have to say that Peyton is NOT who I want my daughters to be like. Peyton is not a good role model in my opinion. Yes she was a good student, and the consequences that grow from the incident she made a choice that many pro-lifers will agree whole heartedly with, but how she dealt with the incident and how she reacted and what she did after just for me felt too fake. Yes I know this is a book, but if we want out children to read about rape we should at least give them a realistic type response to that rape.I prefer open communication between parent and child and sadly this book did not have that in it. I also do not think that it was quite realistic a situation for a young girl to be all over a boy who she just met. The boy yes I can actually picture a young boy like Aaron, mostly because I have sadly known a few of them in my life and the damage they have done. I think that the worst thing for me was I knew from the small story that Aaron tells about his own parents the type of child he was going to turn out to be, and I was actually disappointed in the Author for depicting him in such a classic manner as she did. *The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree* popped immediately to mind and when the Author had him do exactly that I just went "sigh!" It was just far too predictable.Details/Disclaimer: Review copy was provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. The free book held no determination on my personal review.
review 2: **Contains a scene with graphic content. For Mature readers.** by authorWow, this book is a very emotional but powerful read. It deals with teenage rape and how to overcome the consequences and unexpected twists of it all. I really enjoyed this book. I hope it helps those young teenage girls or even older who have been through a bad relationship and to show them how to overcome the possibilities of something tragic and turn it into a blessing for themself and others. This book is real and touches on a lot of moral issues but I am so glad of the outcome. I can't wait to hear more from this author. less
Reviews (see all)
Didn't even finish. Dumb storyline, instant love and odd writing style = not a book for me.
Fast read. Not bad for a teen book
First ever DNF at 49%
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