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Losing Streak (2014)

by Kristine Wyllys(Favorite Author)
4.1 of 5 Votes: 3
Carina Press
The Lane
review 1: I didn't realize this was the 2nd book :) It might be nice to read Bri's story after reading about her in this book :) Cute story - it was a little hard to read - might be because I didn't read the first book. The story was told like you knew everything and everyone, but they were reminding you in this book - Other than that, it was a good story! I really liked how Rose and Brandon were tied into everything - Rose isn't an easy girl to live with - even with herself. She has so much anger and frustration - but that's not all. She's a good girl with morals and her own feelings - Her sick mom and her brother mean the world to her ,and she'd do anything she could to protect and help them. When Rose met Brandon, she was struggling. Trying to get money to help pay for her mom's ... morehospital visits. When things turn worse for her mom. She turns to Brandon for help. Little did she know exactly who Brandon was working with in his gambling problems. Rose got suckered into this new life. Her life where her brother kept stealing booze from the bar he worked at, her mom was still sick, but she was doing ok, and Brandon couldn't be with her. But that's not all - she's found herself in a lifestyle that she knew was morally wrong. She hated every second of it. But with all the threats that hung over her head, she had no choice but to go through with everything. The ending surprised me a little. But I'm a sucker for a great ending :) Really good story - think I'll read book 1 next to see if it clears up my confusion from before - the book is written to be read as a standalone book - but I think it might be better after reading the first one :)
review 2: Just like the first in the New Adult series, WILD ONES, this book is hot, tense and bursting with the kind of prose you’ll want to highlight all over. There's an honest poetry to this gritty story in a town that is Anywhere, America. This isn't the typical NA story about young people in college, but instead the other side of the coin: these were the ones who didn't get the scholarship and stayed back in their hometowns. The thing I absolutely love about this book and series is the multi-dimensional anti-heroines. We give our heroines such a hard time, and hold them up to standards we don't always apply to our heroes in romance, and Kristine isn't afraid to write a story about a young woman making mistakes, failing and fighting with her demons, and still deserving of the love she chooses.And there are plenty of demons. There is family depending on her, looking to her while wanting the best for her, and there is the devil she's sold her soul to for them. There's an incredibly edge to the romance, a doomed Bonnie and Clyde feel to it, but you never doubt that Rosie is running this show as she becomes the big, bad wolf on the Lane.There are heartbreaking moments and explosive ones where I honestly wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but it all came together in a way that left me both haunted and hopeful. less
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Goddamn, these books are good. Wyllys has been elevated to instabuy status. I mean... goddamn.
I LOVE this series! Finally, some NA I can sink my TEETH into. Excellent!
Author webpage says release Oct 2014.
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