Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.71
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L.K. Madigan

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Books by L.K. Madigan
Flash Burnout (2009)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I would recommend this book to anyone who doesn't enjoy generic stories between a teenage boy, his girlfriend , and his best friend who happens to be a girl (using your imagination, you can guess what generic story would be like). I love Flash Burnout because it had such a major ...
The Mermaid's Mirror (2010)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: It was obvious that Lena is half mermaid quite early in the book. Yet she spends about a third of the book discovering this fact and another a third trying to figure out how to find her mother the mermaid. While I liked reading the part about her seeing the underwater world, I ex...
Blakes Gesetze der Fotografie (2012)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Photography is a hobby and a passion for many people. In Flash Burnout, by L.K. Madigan, Blake and Marissa are best friends who take a photography class together. A photo is worth a thousand words, and those words depend on angle, perspective, and focusing enough to prevent a fl...
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