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Screaming In The Silence (2010)

by Lydia Kelly(Favorite Author)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 3
WorldMaker Media
review 1: I remember reading this on Booksie (online fiction website) before it was published! It has undergone some very major changes since then, but I think the published version has a much stronger ending and definitely a more logical reaction to the things that happened to the main character. Raleigh probably does give in too quickly to Kaden, but let's be homest, people don't want to read books where there is no positive connection between any of the characters. The thing I love most about this book is just that it is such a different way of telling a story - from the perspective of somebody who can't participate in conversations and who can be taken advantage of so easily. I don't think I have ever read another book where the main character had such a major disability. It rea... morelly makes you think, and it also makes what could have been a very overdone plot original and unique.I would definitely recommend this, and also suggest that you search for her other book - I think it's called A Harper's Education.
review 2: 2.5 stars, feel like 3 is generous.It started off ok. But then I got bored. Up the stairs, back to the basement. Up the stairs, back to the basement. Everything seemed repetitive. The 'hero' seemed like a loser, I just couldn't find any redeeming qualities in him at all, and the heroine accepted him way too quickly - and fell in love? What? DNF at 72%The kidnapping theme is tricky. It either works or it doesn't. In my opinion, it didn't work in this one :( less
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wow wow wow what a mind fuck ... twisted n demented i loved it. fucking n loving ur captor ... wow
3.5 stars
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