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Like No One Else (2009)

by Maureen Smith(Favorite Author)
4.26 of 5 Votes: 3
0758227418 (ISBN13: 9780758227416)
review 1: This one kept me guessing right up until the killer was revealed - and I was beyond shocked to find out who it was! I don't want to give anything away, so all I'll say is that the killer was probably the only person I didn't suspect. Really interesting cast of characters in this book. I was initially hesitant about reading this one because I thought that the interracial romance would be the focus, so I was pleasantly surprised that the author didn't make a big deal of it. Maureen Smith has become one of my faves, and she definitely didn't disappoint with this one. Glad I took a chance and read it!
review 2: Detective Paolo Sanchez is on a mission to find a murderer and get Tommie Purnell off his mind and catching the murderer is the more sure of the two. Tommie
... more Purnell is a dancer making a name for herself as an instructor in Houston but she has an admirer who will do anything to get close to her. Paolo and Tommie have met before and have never been able to forget each other and now due to a murder and family connections, they can't stay away from one another. This is one sexy book. Paolo is good looking, funny, and protective in a way that makes him a perfect hero. In typical cop fashion, he's been divorced and is a womanizer. He' s wanted Tommie since the first time he laid eyes on her and lets her know it at every opportunity. Tommie wants to be able to resist what Paolo is offering without falling completely under his spell but it might not work. There is a real mystery going on here and you won't get it until the end and you'll wonder how you missed the clues. But there are no clues. Ms. Smith really keeps her murderer under wraps until the very end, so that means everyone is a suspect---even Paolo. But of course, good wins in the end but what a ride getting there. This is a very good, page-turning read. P.S. There are some connections to previous novels by Maureen Smith (Weapon of Seduction and Whisper My Name) in this book, my suggestion is to read those books as well. Eventhough this book can be read as a stand alone, the other books are just as hot and mysterious. less
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Ms. Smith is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. The whole murder twist was intriguing.
Suspenseful. I was shocked about the why, when and who!
very suspenseful! a great story of second chances!
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