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You Never Cared (2012)

by Michele L. Montgomery(Favorite Author)
4.27 of 5 Votes: 5
Scarlet Tie
review 1: It is hard to think about what to "rate" this because I think there are factors to incorporate into it. I'm settling on 4 stars. Although, Michele told me it will be expanded and once I reread the new version being published (at some point) I will more than likely up the rating to 5 stars.As those who read my reviews know, I dislike short stories. (Michele even told me I "scare her a little" and I wonder if it is because of this?) I find it frustrating to jump into a tale, get information coming at me in a whirlwind and then BOOM! it's done. I like a build up. I like in-depth character sketches, and an ending that resolves or builds up for a sequel. So yeah, I had to knock off a star for that. :p (Or maybe my blunt opinions scare her?)Don't get me wrong, I liked the story... more. What I liked most was that it was from the bully's POV. I haven't read any story like that so it was a refreshing change from the norm. I LIKE stories where I am not predicting things all the time. As a writer it is hard to read things and NOT come up with where the story is going. So when I am surprised, I like the story WAY more. This was a great depiction of how it felt to BE the one who bullied and then the recipient kills himself. WOW! I think Ms. Montgomery did a great job telling Jordan's point of view after the fact. It was good.My nit-picks: It's too short! She does herself an injustice by only writing a snapshot of the events. I think there is way more that could add to it and I am looking forward to the longer version when it comes out. Another thing, Jordan says he broke his nose seven times? That seems excessive to me. (But I haven't broken my nose ever so...) Whatelse? The end. WAY TOO ABRUPT with the mention of Larry and Jordan etc... I think there should be more in between the ending and the epilogue. My opinion. All in all I would recommend this to everyone, especially those who have known a bully or a bullied person. I think it gives great insight into the "other person's shoes". Jordan does feel remorse and I think that is often overlooked in books on this subject. Bully's are people too and sometimes it takes extremes to get them to rethink their decisions.Thank you Michele for writing the book. I hope that you continue to push forward and write books that make readers think!
review 2: I wish real life could be like this story where the bully realizes what he's done wrong and tries to amend his ways even though it's too late you you can't change back the damage already done. Written in first person from the POV of the bully himself, Michele makes this short story so real that you almost feel the hurt and the pain along with the remorse the bully feels himself. I wish this would have been longer,but don't we all when a great story is too short. One can never be satisfied, n'est pas? :snickering: less
Reviews (see all)
This is an emotional and powerful little story.
This is simply so heartbreaking.
Have tissues near...that´s all.
Strong and important message
So very sad. Had me crying.
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