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Intertwine (2014)

by Nichole Van(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 1
0991639111 (ISBN13: 9780991639113)
Fiorenza Publishing
review 1: This book was such a fun read. Who would have thought to put time travel and Jane Austen-like romance together?! The storyline seemed pretty believable considering this is a story about fate and time travel. It's romantic, but not over the top cheesy or too "hot" considering the time period and social status of the main character, James. The science and the history make sense though the author admits to taking some small licenses it's nothing that will have you running to your history textbook. It was also laugh out loud funny many times throughout the story, especially when Emme unintentionally or sometimes intentionally brings out some of the 21st century quips. When she said "Totally cray cray" that had me bent over laughing! I even enjoyed reading the author's notes an... mored discussion questions at the end. I hope she does the same in the next book. Thank you to author for writing this book. I look forward to the next one.
review 2: My newest favorite book! When I saw that the author was a BYU grad and the book was a romance I was excited to read a clean and well written novel. Nichole Van does not disappoint. Her characters are well developed and easy to root for. I was skeptical with the Mr. Darcy meets time travel aspect, but it actually worked. James was intelligent and funny and his relationship with Emme was based on real attraction and compatibility instead of just "sparks" and "attraction" (but there is still plenty of that). I am so excited that she has promised to write other novels in the series and I cannot wait to read Georgiana's story! I need more Nichole Van fast! less
Reviews (see all)
Fun, clean romance novel. Time travel was not what I was expecting.
The beginning was a little cheesy, but I couldn't put it down!
Fun, clean romance mixing a modern girl with Regency life.
Cute, sweet and enjoyable.
quick fun read
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