ARC Review: Deep Control by Annabel Joseph

Title: Deep Control
Author: Annabel Joseph
Genre: Erotic Romance
Type: Standalone Book 2 of 3 from Dark Dominance series
POV: First Person – Dual
Expected Publication: January 22, 2018


Devin Kincaid had a particular need. As a Master at The Gallery, his brand of sadism was a favorite among the subs. But being a pilot meant he never had to settle down to enjoy the kinkery anywhere he landed.

Dr. Ella Novatny was a brilliant astrophysicist. But behind her professional facade, laid a darker side only a few got to see. Her need for emotionless pain was her escape, but things started to shift after a life changing event that would make her question her heart.

I hardly knew this man. Would he hurt me? Would I regret this wildness as soon as he started to press inside?

Since I have a thing with pilots, I like Devin right away lol! Though, I have to say he was different than what I expected him to be. For a sadist, I expected him to be darker or more intense (at least while scening). But he was more light and laidback.

Torment was her drug, and I was happy to give it to her.

I like that Ella was a smart professional who knew what she wanted/needed. I also like how certain vulnerability made her seem more “normal” and likeable.

The book started in a very interesting way. I like how they were brought together which ended up in an unavoidable connection. There was an external factor regarding her past, which I was hoping would be significant to their relationship, but it ended up being resolved a little too easily.

The sex scenes were hot. I like how both of them like playing with a certain body part lol!

Deep Control is a story of exploring possibilities. It would appeal to fans of kinky romance.

Final Verdict:

This review is also available on Goodreads.

Books in the series:


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Annabel Joseph is a NYT and USA TODAY bestselling author whose books explore the romance of dominance and submission. Her characters all have one thing in common, they are “into” BDSM and they have lives that are richer, fuller, and more complex because of it.

If you are interested in sensual power exchange and the dramatic emotion of BDSM relationships, you will find the novels of Annabel Joseph both titillating and satisfying in a completely original way.

Annabel also writes non-BDSM erotic romance under the pen name Molly Joseph.

She loves to hear from her readers at annabeljosephnovels (at)


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