A new Stars Wars fan film by Manifest Film Studios puts the focus on the Sith for a change. Set on a distant planet, a young apprentice, Kia (Erin Wu) is the latest disciple of the Sith Master (Fabien Garcia) who is held captive and must challenge him. If the student cannot defeat the master, then the master does not simply enable them to die. Instead, the master harvests their essence using a unique parasite.
Kia comes from a long line of Jedi warriors and, along with her brother, was abducted by The Master. She has made a promise to her brother, who has fallen, to survive no matter what the cost. Kia is covered in lightsaber burns, which is punishment for mistakes during training but also proving herself most to be a most capable apprentice.
The fan film is dark, not only in theme but in presentation as well. However, this does allow for some fantastic showcasing from the lightsabers and crystals. The battle and choreography are very well done and exciting with both actors shining in their abilities. The music and sound are no slouch either and helps make the film shine.
Check out the dark and impressive Fan Film below.
Starring Erin Wu, Fabien Garcia, Dave Thomas
Written and directed by Anthony Pietromonaco
Story by Anthony Pietromonaco and Alex Chinnici
Producer: Chadd Dorak
Co-Producer: Marco De Molina
Co-Produced by We Make Movies
Associate producer: Joel Hebner
Cinematographer: Alex Chinnici
You can find more information at https://www.starwarsdarklegacy.com/
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