Happy Golden Moments!


(Photo credit: Flickr)

”You are doing something very sacred here, something very daring, during your life upon the earth. You are defining yourself, and then creating yourself anew, in each golden moment of now.” Neale Donald Walsch


We have moved to another chapter of our lives. It’s kind of surreal that it’s already the 16th of January, 2018. I haven’t been able to write due to challenges on the health front. The latter part of 2017 was kind of hard but I am thankful that I have fought a winning battle on my health, I don’t give up easily, however, I must admit that I did get a few knocks on the head.

And I learned a lot of lessons. Life could be boring without a few bricks thrown around you, the trick is, don’t get knocked down.

I believe a New Year symbolises new beginnings, opportunity and ability to start again, and afresh. I don’t think we should be dwelling in the past, neither should we allow failures of the past to live through the present. However, we can learn from the past, check what works and what doesn’t, and then plan strategies on how to have better results.

I intend to live each day at a time, and to have a clearer vision of what I want to achieve each day, and by the end of the year. I would have lived well.

One of my key determination this year is to give lots of love to people I know, and to people, I don’t really know that well. There’s a kind of love that never fades, God’s love. It is eternal, you’re precious and beautiful in His sight, that love naturally flows through us, but there is a catch, we have to allow it. I honestly believe that love can solve most of the world’s problems. Racism would be a thing of the past because we would see everyone through our own eyes. A mirror image of ourselves.

Love would eradicate selfishness, greed, and war. It would open the floodgate for peace and herald the continuous presence of serendipity. Gone would be the harsh realities of revenge and defiance, divorce would be a taboo and murders would be far gone from our shores.

Love would heal our planet, we would do things for the benefit of others only, and through that, we would be fulfilled because we would be our brother’s keeper. We would be like Watchmen, repairers of the breach. There would be no reasons for proliferation of arms. Nuclear warheads would be like dinosaurs, things of the past.

How I crave for those kinds of moments. Moments that Neale Donald Walsch described so vividly, ”You are doing something very sacred here, something very daring, during your life upon the earth. You are defining yourself, and then creating yourself anew, in each golden moment of now.” 

Let’s share that love.

I wish all my friends love that never fades.

Love freely, uninhibited and full of joy.

Much love, always!