Jan 5 Ordinary People

Lord, thank You for using ordinary people to do extraordinary things through Your power.

You took a regular man like Abram, and chose to use and bless him. Only by Your promise and power was he made into a great nation with a great name, through whom all peoples of the earth have been blessed. You looked far into the future, beyond the limitations of the flesh, and brought a Savior from his line.

Even with the mistakes he made, the bad choices, the lack of faith he showed at times, You kept Your word to him. Your promises are never just empty words. You have the sovereignty and the power to make good on all You say You will do.

Thank You that You still bless people today. Thank You that You still accomplish Your perfect will in the lives of people who, like Abram, make mistakes, and fall short, and choose fear over faith. Please use me Lord. Teach me how to make wise choices. Increase my faith. Help me be obedient. Bless me. And use me to bless others.

Psalm 5:3 says “In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.” This has become true as I read Your Word and it becomes the substance of my prayers. Thank You for guiding me with Your Word. Amen

Genesis 12:1-13:4; Psalm 5:3



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