Nine Months Already?!

What in the world?! How am I already writing a nine month post about my little Bella?!? Seems like yesterday I had the world’s worst back labor ever!!! It literally blows my mind that it’s been a whole nine months!!! Bella is so full of personality and is an incredibly happy baby, despite the fact that she just face planted into the couch… Yikes.

Bella’s still screaming, and I think I’m going deaf but it’s still so funny to watch her go at it! But there’s nothing as great as watching her stand up on the couch and her getting so excited to see daddy after a long day of work!

So nine months updates:

  • says mama and dada (we are really excited about this one)
  • says baba (if you don’t speak baby language it means bottle)
  • she takes about 3-4 steps at a time, can stand for about a minute at a time!
  • LOVES bath time
  • Also loves facetiming her godmother Abbey!
  • unfortunately, loves electrical cords
  • favorite show is currently Family Guy (we can thank dad for that one)
  • LOVES noodles!!!
  • still really loves passionfruit ( Thank God for Drake!!!!)

My little Isabella Rose, I’m so excited to watch you grow up but you are doing it way too fast! I genuinely didn’t know I could love someone so much the way I love you! I just hope you don’t grow up to be sassy and have an attitude… but here’s to hoping:)

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