October 2017 Wrap-Up

The last day of October has come and gone. My last day in Vancouver has come and gone. I feel like I just arrived here a week ago and now all I have left is one week in Toronto. Life is strange sometimes. For the first time in a long time, I actually managed to read something last month AND wrote a review. I know, it was a shock to me as well.

  • I Hate Everyone But You by Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin (3 stars)

Click on the title for the review and on the cover to get re-directed to Goodreads!

I don’t think my brain has fully realised that it’s not in Vancouver anymore or the fact that it won’t be there again for a considerable amount of time. Anyway, coming back to Toronto was nice. (I literally ran into a set upon arriving downtown … It didn’t even take me 5 minutes) It felt familiar and a little like home in a way too. I know my way around and I know how things work, that is just always so much less stress than in an entirely new place. I doubt I will do very much, this is more of a time to rest and get my wits together before returning back to Vienna.

Before leaving Vancouver, I tried to cram in as many sets as possible and I managed to do that quite alright. I think I’ve seen everyone from the Arrowverse at least a couple times now. I also feel like I ran into more people on the streets, which is super strange. What do you say? What do you do? If you are me, probably nothing because you are too shy/embarrassed/frozen in place. However, I did manage to meet Rahul Kohli and Rob Raco and take pictures with them. Yay!

My friend and I also got to attend a Riverdale event in Vancouver, where they gave out free Betty and Veronica (vanilla and chocolate) milkshakes to fans. Marisol was there, she plays Veronica’s mum, and we got the chance to dress up in Riverdale attire. It was a lot of waiting around, but since we were pretty much among the first 50 people to get in, it also a lot of fun.

Lastly, I just want to express my deep, deep love for Stranger Things! My entire camera roll is currently pictures of Steve, Hopper or the kids. I can’t even tell who I like best, because I like them all so much. Who would have thought that I would be the one to fall for a scary show?

  • All Hallows Write Tag
  • Kat’s (Definitely Not Definitive) Rules for Set Life
  • Sept 25-Oct 1
  • Oct 2-8
  • Oct 9-15
  • Oct 16-22
  • Oct 23-29

How was your month? How are you doing? Let’s chat!

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