Oh Em Gee, She’s Done It Again

Looks like we’re back on WordPress again, woot!

If you’ve been following w3rdn3rd‘s strange journey through domains and all that entails, you may have noticed we’ve switched back to WordPress.

But, this time it’s for good!

On this very day last year (Dec. 27, 2016) I switched the w3rdn3rd blog from WordPress to GoDaddy. I wanted full control of the code, plugins, fonts, the works. I also thought it would give me the freedom to create my own pingbacks so I could create a Facebook chatbot…

That didn’t really go as planned. It’s been a year, and I still can’t quite figure that one out.

Let’s give it another year, shall we?

All this time, in the back of my mind, I was thinking… what happened to my subscribers? Do they still know me? Are they following the new version of the blog on the GoDaddy server? Probably not, is the conclusion I came to months ago.

It all began when…

I started this blog back in 2011, when it was sort of a requirement to kickstart my journalism degree back in college. I’ve been through different web addresses, different blog mediums (including Medium, Blogger, Tumblr, and more) and I’ve realized that there are very specific needs for each of these vehicles. My true home on the net… will always be WordPress (.org as it stands now, not .com).

Plus! With our new fancyclam.com domain hosted on GoDaddy, I was racking up a total of 5 domains I was paying for at a total of about $250/year.

It’s not a lot of money, especially when we’re talking about domains here, but I realized I’m not using that one or this one, etc. So! I’ve brought good ol’ w3rdn3rd back to WordPress.

I guess that’s the conclusion I’m trying to make here.

Now… I just need to redirect URLs and such and we should be golden…

Oh! And if you notice some broken images, I apologize in advance for that. I’m working on it!

All in all, you can expect the blog to carry on much as usual. You’ll see a few posts monthly, maybe more, maybe less, depending on how things are going.

The difference is, I’ve rejoined the community. Which is a big deal!

Class participation, y’all

Feel free to Follow the blog if you have a WordPress blog yourself. That’s the whole point. Let’s connect. Let’s be friends! On the internet, anyway. Which is the best place to be, right?

I want to hear what you have to say. Add a comment with your blog address and I’ll follow you. Or, if you have questions on how you can get started with your own blog, email me and I’ll try to help you out as best I can.

Cheers! And happy new year! 


Featured image via the Huffington Post

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