Paintings by Vita Léo




Love’s Cyclone
Love  is like Cyclone Mathew which passed on 06 October 2016 in my native town of Jérémie-Abricots in Haiti; when it passes through your life, it destroys everything on its way.
Le Cyclone d’Amour
L’amour  c’est comme le Cyclone Mathew qui est passé le 06 octobre 2016 dans ma ville natale de Jérémie-Abricot en Haiti ; quand il passe dans ta vie, il détruit tout sur son passage. 




International court for the woman with a broken heart
In love unfaithfulness is the biggest disease in a couple, but the public and nature forgive it.  Tribunal international pour la femme au au cœur brisé
En amour l’infidélité est la plus grande maladie dans un couple, mais le public et la nature l’excusent. 




Vita Léo is the artistic name for Marie Vita Léonard, an Haitian restaurateur and painter who has been living in Perpignan in the south of France since 2005. She started painting in 2008 due to a breakup in her marital relation. She does acrylic painting with a focus on life’s difficulties and experiences. She speaks French and Haitian Creole. 

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