Self-Love/Care Tips

Hi, and welcome back!

I hope you’re having a lovely day and have done something you love!

Today I want to share with you 5 really simple (and hopefully not boring) self-love/care tips which are easy to incorporate into everyday life so there’s no excuse you guys!! It may seem like a really boring post but self-care is something that is so so important to us all, yet in our busy lifestyles, sometimes we forget that we have to love ourselves – yes that was cringey, I’m sorry ;). So here goes the 5 tips, enjoy!


1. Drink more water 

Drinking water is SO SO important! If you google ‘ways to clear up your skin’ or ‘how to become healthier’ I can guarantee that drinking water will come up – it’s basically magic, maybe. It is something that is so simple yet I know for a fact we would all prefer to be drinking our favourite tipple but if you create a routine and stick to it, you can easily incorporate it into your lifestyles.

I’m certainly guilty of not drinking water but I came up with a solution for myself – I bought a really cute water bottle which makes me happy to drink water – yes, I’m a bit of a sad human being, but it really works, try it!!!

2. Eat more fruit

I told you these were really simple! Don’t we just love eating fruit over that Dairy Milk bar, me too. Now that I’ve made you hungry, it is really easy to consume fruit, whether it’s through a smoothie or creating a small fruit bowl on the side of your lunch, if you set it as a daily goal you can achieve it! 

I am the worst for eating fruit – I’m hungry, I eat chocolate. Hungry again? Eat crisps. I’m TERRIBLE! Since the new year though, I have prepared a fruit bowl each morning before I go to uni and eat it alongside my sandwich and if I’m lucky, I’ll even have that chocolate as well ;).

3. A little pamper never hurt nobody!

You’ve got to have a little pamper sometimes to really create this whole self-care atmosphere, we are all worth it! So if you’ve got 5 minutes in your day (I know, it is a struggle!) do something that is something for you, whether it be painting your nails, moisturising your body, putting hand cream on or getting your partner to give you that massage you’ve been asking for ;). It sounds silly, but a small pick-me-up like this can really boost your mood and make the day just that little bit more you.

I created a small list on my phone to remind myself that I need a bit of a pamper sometimes and I’ll leave some time in order to do something myself – it is so important so do it!!

4. Reflect

I love reflecting on things, sometimes a bit too much when I need to be doing work, but it happens! So what should you reflect on? Reflect on the good AND the bad, it will help to create plans and ambitions for the next day – I’ve really found this works. Before I go to bed I take a small amount of time just to sit down, think about everything and even write some thoughts down onto paper in order to see the reflections physically – maybe a diary may work for you! 

I honestly think that reflection can refresh the mind when life is clustered or stressful and give you a new perspective on situations which can really help to de-clutter your life.

5. Get that beauty sleep!

I know, I know, sleep is sometimes impossible – we’ve all had that night where we lie there wishing we could be fast asleep or your brain is on such over-drive that you can’t even close your eyes, but sleep is a blessing. If you can get enough sleep, you will feel so much better about yourself and it’ll boost your mood no end! So how can you get that godly sleep we all need? Nowadays, there are many different apps which can help track your sleep levels and help you to create a routine which works for you, but this doesn’t really help if you can sleep! If I am struggling to sleep, I like to listen to music, particularly the sound of rain which really seems to relax me and helps me unwind.

If this doesn’t work for you, then you might like to try purchasing sleep spray which normally includes some lavender extract of some sort which is used by so many people and is some people’s holy grail! Other that that, for you guys for are addicted to your phones or tablets, put them down!! It’s not worth the restless night and the dark circles, really. If you put your phone out of reach a good 30 minutes before bed, it will help your mind to relax and unwind, increasing your sleep! But, if you’re a bit of a book worm, this could be your answer- read before bed! It is a lovely way to relax the mind and relax the body in turn, helping you to sleep – as long as it is not some sort of killer thriller or something!


So there we have it, 5 self-care tips for you guys, I hope you enjoyed reading them and hopefully you can implement these into your daily routine to love yourself that little bit more!

Thanks for reading and until next time,

Liv x 



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