Surviving Death

I’m not one to search out paranormal books, but when I was looking for a book to review this title and topic caught my eye. The cover has the classic life beyond the final door of life on the cover. You wonder what’s beyond it. Leslie Kean covers a range of topics from past lives, to near death experiences, to Mediums and more. I haven’t read much, if anything, on any of these topics, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I’ve never believed in the concept of past lives. Reading the accounts of children who speak of their past life is a mix of strange, comforting and bizarre. The accounts provided were checked for authenticity regarding the individual the child says he was in his previous life. The evidence presented is uncanny. A few years ago I was watching a documentary on World War II and there was a scene of one of the cattle cars with people in it being sent away to one of the concentration camps. For a brief moment I had what seemed like a flash back of being in one of those cars. I’ve never had something like this occur in the past so, to experience a flash back for a time period I never lived in sort of freaked me out. I have read widely on the subject of World War II, but the flash back I had was like I was experiencing it for a brief moment, like I was there and recalling it.

Near Death Experiences I do find fascinating. I have read a couple of books on this subject, so getting to read further accounts was nice. As a preemie I was in a state of actively dying multiple times, but I pulled through. Obviously being an infant I have no clue if I had an NDE. There are too, many similar near death experience accounts that are similar to consider them non-legit.

Mediums honestly creep me out. Not the individual mind you, but what they are doing creeps me out. I do believe in God and demons and some doors don’t need to be opened. Maybe Hollywood’s rendition doesn’t help their cause either. I did read a book last year by one of the Mediums that the author went to. That book was actually reader friendly and not creepy. To me it was like a person has a spiritual gift where she can hear spirits and is like a transcrptionist for the spirit to communicate to their living family members for them.

If you are interested in the paranormal and want an engaging read I just might recommend this book. I think there was an over focus on Mediums rather than more on past lives and near death experience accounts. I received Surviving Death by Leslie Kean for free in exchange from Blogging For Books for my honest review.

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