The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry By Jon Ronson: A Book Review


Okay, so i know it isn’t exactly a new release but i honestly adore this book!

I have suffered from a whole variety of sleeping problems since i was a very young child, which lead to many late nights watching some pretty questionable TV with my grandma. Not anything too crazy were talking maybe i overheard some stuff i didn’t understand on sex and the city and well a lot of true crime and i mean A lot , it’s almost all the lady watched alongside home renovation shows, and judge Judy.

This Extracurricular TV watching lead to an interest in the most intimidating and fear of mental disorders, Psychopathy or anti-social personality disorder. I devoured biographies and documentaries about serial killers, i had a passionate obsession with criminal minds and cold case (before it was canceled…so lame), and i read some very interesting Wikipedia articles in my spare time, all the basic pop psychology stuff.

When i stumbled upon “The Psychopath Test” I was absolutely enthralled, it was everything I could have wanted. I will be upfront this book is meant for pure entertainment and that is all, i’m sure it has some legitimate information in it but by no means is the author a professional psychologist, he is merely an anxiety ridden journalist and author. The book is full of crazy sometimes bordering on cruel experiments perpetrated by psychologists in the past, as well as some fun Scientology craziness, and a few interviews with some of the most chilling characters you will ever come across.

The author goes face to face with the idea of psychopathy in a way that many of us fascinated individuals joke about doing but are actually too terrified to. I have read the book twice and it was just as good the second time as the first so i of course give it my highest recommendation.




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