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The Marks Of Cain (2010)

by Tom Knox(Favorite Author)
3.52 of 5 Votes: 5
0670021911 (ISBN13: 9780670021918)
Viking Adult
review 1: I really wanted to like this book. I picked it up on a whim based on the cover, and said "why not?". Here's a few reason why I should have gone with my gut:"A great ravine hard by the kirk that led all the way down to the roiling sea, which writhed like an epileptic in a blue straitjacket"The overly helpful, but unfortunately useless police that feel the need to give a civilian all the nitty gritty details of a murder case and keep him on speed dial because they couldn't put anything together on their own? Probably because they're all too busy reading Goal. Psychos, Psycho's everywhere. And not just the baddies either! Nathan feeds himself to the sharks just because he got shot. Like, oh, yes, obviously a better way to die. The fact that Miguel must own a private jet. Ther... moree is no other way he kept up with the group that well. Too bad he has a rare condition which lets them slip away just in the nick of time, every time. Amy is messed up. Amy should have moved the hell out of Basque country a long time ago. Amy makes bad decisions under pressure, like screwing Miguel. David is not James Bond on steroids. He's just not. This story started out alright, and then just plummeted to something on par with Sharknado faster than I could wrap my head around. There was no need for all of the deaths to be so violent, or for Tim to have been killed at all really... But I really felt like the worst part about the whole thing was how forced certain situations were. It's like Knox knew he was writing a low budget movie and just threw in whatever the hell he wanted. I'm not even going to get started on how I feel about the Cagot/Holocaust theory either.
review 2: I started reading Knox to get my archeological adventure fix, having read most of Preston and Child's books. If you're a fan of Preston and Child or Clive Cussler, be warned that Knox takes things to a more adult, violent, level. Themes of identity, racism, sexual deviancy, and mental illness run throughout his work. Definitely not appropriate for YA, in my opinion. I like this genre as a fun escape while being tethered in the states, and prefer lighter fare. If you're into something a bit darker, you might be into this! less
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Well crafted story that leaves the reader guessing right up to the very end.
A really entertaining story, told in an easygoing fashion.
Still reading. Will review when finished.
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