So its been a busy few weeks, but big news… ZARA’S GOT THE JOB!!
She has officially passed all of her end of school exams and has been matched to a lovely lady who works in a school!
We are completely over the moon for them both and from what we understand it’s a perfect match and really couldn’t be better.
So our clever girl will be going off to start her new life with her new Mummy at the end of October.
I’m sure the next couple of weeks will fly by; as usual, we have lots planned!!!
We’re going on holiday (again!), meeting up for a walk with Zara’s Puppy Socialisers, Louise and Gary and I’m sure we’ll squeeze a bit more fundraising in somewhere too.
I also think we might need to find a bigger suitcase as this spoilt Princess pup has A LOT of toys!!
We are so proud of Zara and what a fantastic, full of character, little life changer she has become. Thank you to all of the wonderful people who sponsor Zara and I hope you’re all as proud of her as we are.
For anyone who would like to know more about what it’s like to say goodbye to a pup, take a look at one of my previous posts: Saying Goodbye to your Pup
For now, I’ll leave you with this happy, smiley face…
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