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Capire Israele In 60 Giorni (e Anche Meno) (2010)

by Sarah Glidden(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 4
8817049573 (ISBN13: 9788817049573)
Rizzoli Lizard
review 1: A trip through Israel through the eyes of a 26 year old Jewish-American woman who has very mixed emotions about the place. On the one hand, she recognizes that Israel is part of her heritage, to at least some degree. On the other hand, she sees how the Palestinians were shoved out of their homes and relegated to a second-citizen status, and she does not think this is so great.She seems to have held an open mind, letting her travel experiences accumulate just as they happened to, without filtering her impressions through her preconceived ideas. The result was a quite comprehensive record of a journey through Israel, with enough detail that the reader can form their own opinions.Before reading this book, I did not want to visit Israel, mostly based on reports from friends... more who went there. Everybody tells me how it is a pushy, rude, crowded and dangerous place. Which happens to have some very significant historical sites. Some of my friends have even gone there more than once, so the place must have some attractive features. After reading this book, I've seen more than enough of that whole area. Going there is not in my travel plans.
review 2: Dentro de su propio género y estilo (que no comparto demasiado), he de admitir que la trama está sencilla pero correctamente construida, de modo que resulta un viaje absorbente a través de la reflexión sobre los importantes acontecimientos en el conflicto Israel-Palestina. Escapa del maniqueísmo en que a veces corre el riesgo de caer y plantea diferentes perspectivas arropando, como una ágil puesta al día, así un problema que actualmente estamos siguiendo (algunos) a diario. Interesante (y extraño para ser en formato cómic) y agradable, aunque el personaje principal es irritante y prepotente hasta preguntarse uno si no estará la autora aplicando cierto humor contra sí misma o falsa modestia (es un relato autobiográfico), y explora pocos recursos narrativos y artísticos. Podría definirse como una crónica o testimonio de viaje con intenciones politizantes, lo cual parece haber sido un problema a la hora de la verdadera creación artística. Pero es que el tema del que trata me puede, así que se lleva 3'5 estrellitas. less
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Excellent. In every way. Especially if you enjoy memoirs.
So far So interesting!
Graphic Novel, YA
This was decent.
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