Books: 5 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.71
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Savanna Fox

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Books by Savanna Fox
The Dirty Girls Book Club (2012)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: This was a steamy romance!! I loved it!!! It focuses on Georgia Malone, an advertising exec, and Woody Hanrahan, a star hockey player. The book is also about a historical erotica that her book club is reading. Georgia finds herself relating to the main heroine, and that her relat...
Una particolare specie di tentazione (2012)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: This was an interesting story and I found myself relating to the main character and her ideals. The more I read the more entranced I became. I hope to read more from Ms. Fox in the future. Her writing style and techniques gave me a real sense of characters and plot development. I...
Dare to be Dirty (2013)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Ho amato follemente il primo libro di questa serie, infatti, quando qlke anno fa ho letto la storia di Woody e George mi sono subito appassionata in maniera automatica al loro amore, ma la storia tra Ty e Kim mi ha coinvolto ancora di più. Purtroppo ho ritardato nel leggerlo e or...
Una particolare specie di attrazione (2013)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Yawn! This book got on my nerves so bad, took me a week to read-which is a long time for me. The main character Kim was so worried about her parents & kept obsessing about them, took up too much space in the book. There was a story about a book that Kim & her group of friends ...
Una particolare specie di seduzione (2014)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: "Bound To Be Dirty" is third book from the "Dirty Girls Book Blub" by Savanna Fox. This book follows the relationship between book club member Lily and her husband Dax. Their relationship has staled and is at break point, both wanting different things from their lives but still...
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