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The Dirty Girls Book Club (2012)

by Savanna Fox(Favorite Author)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 5
0425253155 (ISBN13: 9780425253151)
Berkley Trade
The Dirty Girls Book Club
review 1: This was a steamy romance!! I loved it!!! It focuses on Georgia Malone, an advertising exec, and Woody Hanrahan, a star hockey player. The book is also about a historical erotica that her book club is reading. Georgia finds herself relating to the main heroine, and that her relationship with Woody mirrors the book that they are reading. I highly recommend this book for someone interested in reading a very sexy romance novel.
review 2: Mi ha decisamente conquistata! Ho deciso di leggerlo incuriosita dal titolo e dalla copertina e dopo aver letto la trama mi sono convinta. Qta storia è la prova che anche la donna più rigida e pacata può trasformarsi in una vera tigre, se sedotta e spronata da un Vero Uomo! Woody: OMG... virile, massiccio, spudoratamente affasc
... moreinante, sexy ma soprattutto mosso da sani principi e dal senso del dovere. Mi è piaciuta la mia breve incursione nel mondo dell'hockey less
Reviews (see all)
it wasn't terrible. I enjoyed it but it could have been better
I love everything about this book just did not want it to end
I read the first 20 pages and gave up, not for me thanks!
Remember opposites attract!!!
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