Ten Tiny Breaths (5 books in series)

Dieci piccoli respiri (2014)
4.2 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: İşin aslı kitaba karşı ne hissettiğim konusunda ikilemdeyim. Kesinlikle 4'lük bir kitap değil ama 3'te değil. Kacey'in karakteri, uzun bir zaman diliminin 297 sayfaya tıkıştırılması, olayların çok çabuk savuşturulması ve özellikle çoğu kişiyi şoke eden şeyin benim için sürpriz ol...
Five Ways to Fall (2014)
4.3 of 5 Votes: 6
review 1: Audiobook for Five ways To Fall T.A TuckerReese is a Purple hair, pierced, spontaneous woman with Loads of spunk who likes to be a little bit of a rebel. When she Marries her boyfriend of 6weeks she thought that they were madly in love, Only to come home from work one day to find...
Four Seconds to Lose (2013)
4.25 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Ahhhhh I love this series!Though Four Seconds to Lose was good.I thought it was lacking something that the first two books had.Though story line was the only thing that kept me reading I found myself getting kind of wary of the book and kept putting it down.But I must say i reall...
One Tiny Lie (2013)
4.4 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I pulled this book up on my computer at about 9:30 p.m. so I could read it when I finished working in the morning. I told myself I'd just read a chapter but instead I was up until after 3 a.m. I freaking loved it!!!! Amazing stories. I didn't think I could possibly like it as ...
Ten Tiny Breaths (2012)
4.21 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: interesting not a bad storyline overall I liked it but I kept putting it down to do other things which indicates it didn't hook me completely, usually I can read a book until finished even watching a movie or playing poker BUT this one wasn't that interesting I liked the whole th...