The Cronus Chronicles (2 books in series)

El Fuego Inmortal (2012)
4 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Ursu, A. The Immortal Fire. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.510 pages (Yikes!).Appetizer: In the final Cronus Chronicles novel, Charlotte is still recovering from the adventures in the last novel, The Siren Song. She and Zee are back at school, but all is not righ...
The Immortal Fire (2009)
4 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: A fair conclusion to the Cronus Chronicles Some things I liked were-1. Charlotte's consideration towards her parents which she not COMPLETELY had last time. (When she left her parents a note the time she went into the Underworld) uh HELLO! You're not going to the grocery store! T...