The Red Blazer Girls (5 books in series)

The Red Blazer Girls: The Secret Cellar (2012)
4.18 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: The Red Blazer Girls from St. Veronica’s are back with a new adventure and mystery to solve. Sophie buys her father a fountain pen at a local antique store. Little does she know what mystery that will open up. She finds a message in the pen that leads to a secret cellar. They...
The Ring of Rocamadour (2009)
3.73 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: The first of a series, this book focuses on Sophie and Margaret and their quest to solve a 20+ year old mystery and find the Ring of Rocamadour. Although this book is mostly light (more so compared to other mysteries), these girls have depths and complicated lives. The mystery ...
The Vanishing Violin (2010)
4.01 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Much more predictable story than The Ring of Rocamadour (I had the violin thief's identity figured out about halfway through the book), but the puzzles in this one were more challenging. I like that the girls' social circle continues to expand, allowing readers to get to know mo...
The Mistaken Masterpiece (2011)
4.04 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: The third in the Red Blazer Girls series, this latest outing does not disappoint. The girls are asked to help discover if a painting is REALLY that of a famous artist - and in find themselves caught up with a gallery that may be copying famous paintings. Meanwhile, Sophie meets a...
The Secret Cellar (2012)
4.19 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: The book The Red Blazer Girls: The Secret Cellar is another fascinating mystery adventure, by Michael D. Beil. It's almost Christmas and Sophie wants to find something nice for her dad. She spots an antique fountain pen at GW Antiques and Curiosities. Turns out, the pen is going ...