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Shh...Mine (2000)

by Shannon Dianne(Favorite Author)
4.06 of 5 Votes: 1
This. Is. Not. Over.
review 1: I did not enjoy this book. The basis of it was intriguing but the whole story seemed rushed. The first few pages start out in January then the next few pages fast forward to july or august???? I did not like Danielle in this book. For her to have had a son, she did not seem to spend a lot of time with him. Her actions did not match her the "supposed" intelligence she had. WHo in their right mind just before graduating college, would get pregnant by a guy just to keep him? Who with any intelligence and is trying to be successful does something so stupid like this? Danielle. It was not an accident. She did this on purpose and with a guy she wasn't in love with. I did not understand it. Then she goes on and on about the big change that happened with her and Jon. ... more There was no love but all she could do was act like the world was coming to an end or something.I enjoyed Malcolm. He was a bit different from Danielle with his mannerisms etc....thankfully. But, I did not enjoy the over all feel of the book. It felt rushed. I hated the ending. Really? A clilff hanger for this. This should have been wrapped up with another 10-20 more pages. Put an end to this madness, please. The dialogue was very confusing. I had to go back several times to figure out who said what. i.e He spoke. She spoke, he spoke...Oooh so this was her line..not his. ??????? There was no emotional connection with this story. I felt no love connection with Danielle and Malcolm. I felt the angst between her and Jon, though. I rated this a 2 instead of a 1 because of the last 10-15% of the book brought this whole story to life. It got interesting at the end then ended with a cliff hanger. Will not purchase the 2nd book in this series. So not worth the time or money.
review 2: I downloaded the sample first and it intrigued me enough to purchase the book. I was really not liking Danielle I couldn't believe that she could be that much of b^*}h. Of course as the book went on I understood but still to remain in a unhealthy relationship because you're more concerned about appearances is high school bs. Even her Mom told her to divorce him. There were some interesting twists and turns that I didn't see coming. I understand that she's being stalked but to completely ruin a girl is a bit much why not call the authorities or her father (who's a senator)? I sincerely hope there is a sequel because damn what a cliffhanger! I know what I want for Christmas this year is Malcolm Blair! less
Reviews (see all)
Loved it!!! Read it in one day. Couldn't put it down. I want more please. Good stuff
The original plot was refreshing! Looking forward to the next installment!
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this series.
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