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A Cat's Chance In Hell (2012)

by Sharon Hannaford(Favorite Author)
3.98 of 5 Votes: 4
Sharon Hannaford
review 1: this is a real good UF book with a strong heroine and real interesting characters. I loved the story because it was engaging and full of action. the plot was well drafted and the characters developement was really interestingthe only flaw - and the reason why it is only 4 stars and not inimum 4,5 stars is the POV: normally I prefer for such a story the first person view - but to have different POVs can be enjoyable. but here it was a bit incomprehensible when which POV would take over. I think the author got better in the endall in all, was it a very enjoyable read and I definitely will read the next book
review 2: Despite demon attacks, uneasy alliances and a potential romance on the cards I'm spending a great deal of time being very bored with this book. The
... morestory has potential to be a generic kick-arse heroine UF entry, but I think it needs the help of a good professional editor and some reworking to make it shine. A lot of my problems came down to being told and not shown what was happening as well as massive and often inappropriately placed info-dumps. I found this very disappointing because it limited my connection to what could have been an interesting world whilst at the same time robbing me of any and all mystery to entice me to keep reading to discover more. The writing itself is also clunky and repetitive using very little descriptive power and a whole lot of stating what is going on.In spite of the many problems and the fact it took me days to finish a fairly simple and straight forward read that usually takes me less than a day, I do find myself wondering what the future holds for Gabi. I'm not going to rush out and get the second installment, but I may get around to it at some point and that's extremely rare for a book I've labelled as 2 stars. less
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Love this series. I have read them multiple times. Love love razor!!
another strong female lead and alpha male! :)
Loved it! The character dynamics rock.
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