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Voglia Di Vincere. Perché I Videogiochi Sono Importanti. (2010)

by Tom Bissell(Favorite Author)
3.57 of 5 Votes: 2
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review 1: Extra Lives is a book written by Tom Bissell that takes the reader on a journey through the significance of video games and the art behind them that has contributed to their advancements into the modern day gaming era. Bissell uses different games to exemplify his main idea as to why video games matter, because each example he uses holds a significant contribution to the evolution of games.There are several aspects of the book that I like. The first being that it is a book simply written about why games matter. I like this aspect of the book because there is always controversy over whether or not video games are good for you and very few people talk about why they matter or what contributions they have brought to both the entertainment industry and also the gaming communit... morey. Another thing I like about this book is that I can relate to a lot of Bissell's game example because I have either played them myself or am familiar with the series. For example, he uses games such as Little Big Planet, Mas Effect, Left 4 Dead, Grand Theft Auto, and so many other popular games that people are familiar with. Lastly, another thing I liked about this book is how effectively Bissell explains the contributions and significance of certain games. For example, while explaining the significance of Left 4 Dead's cooperation he uses anecdotes from the time that he played a survival match with some friends and how cooperation is one of the main ideas within Left 4 Dead because you have to work with one another in order to reach the safe house, which is the goal of the survival mode. Extra Lives is a good entertaining, informative, and interesting book because it makes readers/gamers look at video games in a different light than how they may have previously looked at them before. I recommend this book to gamers of all ages because it is an easy read that anyone can pick up even if they're not familiar with the game examples the authors use.
review 2: As a non gamer but someone interested in the art form and its role in our society, I was hoping to learn some interesting things. But after a significant dive into the book I hadn't heard much about "why video games matter" - it was more about what he liked and didn't in a particular genre. I may have gotten more of what I was looking for if I had finished the book. But after reading "Las Vegas was the world's whore, and whores do not change. Whores collapse", I felt was grossed out by his politics and lost interest. less
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Oddly light reading, but still very enjoyable, particularly the chapter about GTAIV and cocaine.
i liked the content and concept, but the writing style was a bit too wordy for my liking.
Smart. A cut above your standard video game commentary faire.
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