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Shunt: The Story Of James Hunt (2010)

by Tom Rubython(Favorite Author)
4.22 of 5 Votes: 3
0956565603 (ISBN13: 9780956565600)
review 1: A book about Formula 1's most notorious playboy...and world champion. Rubython's conversational tone perfectly matches the live free lifestyle of James Hunt, the last of the fun racers. The only reason I didn't give Shunt five stars is the flow of the book. Stories are told multiple times, events are gone over several times, and certain chapters are out of order. Nevertheless, this is a great biography for any racing fan.
review 2: This wasn't a patch on Rubython's Senna biography.......I learnt a lot about James Hunt I'd not known, granted, but there were a LOT of dating and continuity errors and grammatical/spelling mistakes which I found off-putting. It all seemed very rushed and I don't recall it being advertised as much as the Senna one was either-I heard
... moreabout it by accident !It was nice to know a lot more about James and his background and I liked the whole of Murray Walker's eulogy at his memorial service was reprinted in full as that was lovely, although sad, of course. His second wife Sarah didn't come out of it very well, I have to say, whereas all James' other ladies all seemed to be lovely and not grasping or demanding. I know Sarah had his sons but she still pretty much bankrupted him and from what I read James would never have seen her or his boys go short anyway-there was no need for it.All in all a good book for the fans but if you're a real Hunt afficionado then maybe not......... less
Reviews (see all)
Highly enjoyable read. Hunt's life was entertaining and this book was well written.
Great so far...Good but very poor editing, repeats frequently
Loved it. Absolutely fascinating story well told.
Great story/life, writing spotty in places.
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