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In The Moonlight (2012)

by Veronica Bates(Favorite Author)
3.02 of 5 Votes: 4
Romance Elite
review 1: So, I was able to download this book for free on AMAZON. I was excited, because free is great. Had elements that I enjoy reading about. Pretty much Jeremy meets up with a guy a a club and hooks up. Later on he learns more about the mysterious sexy man named Roman. It was well written. Now some questions: Why? Because this is my review and I can write it as I want too. Did I enjoy the story? Yes.Is there more to it? Yes.Did it (kind of) end with a cliffhanger? Yes.Am I going to continue it? No. Why not? Because the next installment is only 21 pages and they want 2.99 for it on AMAZON, which is a ridiculous amount for only 21 pages. No matter how much I want to know what happens with them, I won't spend that much money on a few pages. So, sadly, I will just have to re... moread other people's reviews and get the low down on it.
review 2: Despite the impressive list of fiction written by this author, this M/M werewolf short story, the first in a series (of two?), reads more or less like a teenager's diary.There are no blatant grammar mistakes but there is no narrative structure or tension whatsoever: imagine your best friend telling you about a party he went to and the sexy guy he met there.Characters are cardboard and very cliché; the two sex scenes are as dull and unimaginative as can be expected from most lady-authors. The werewolf element nearly redundant in the plot.As long as it is available as a freebie I suppose you could have a look at it. less
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Too short, no plot and so it has little value. Waste of money.
it was short and gave me my book fix
Not worth it!
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