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Streaming Stars (Transcender Trilogy Book 2 (2013)

by Vicky Savage(Favorite Author)
4.28 of 5 Votes: 1
0985901918 (ISBN13: 9780985901912)
Vicky Savage
review 1: I think I liked this one better than the first - maybe because there was a bit more drama, conflict and "bad guys." I loved some of Jaden's one liners and inner thoughts and felt the author really did a good job of reminding us that through everything, Jaden was still a teenager. One complaint I had was Jaden's lack of conflict about leaving Connecticut and possibly never seeing her "real" father and brother again. She showed slighted sadness but I wished she didn't so easily replace her "real" family with her "mirror" family. I also liked her chemistry with Asher better than Ryder...Perhaps in the third installment!
review 2: Ever since I read the first installment in this series a year ago, I have been eagerly awaiting its follow up! I was not disappointed
... morein the least.Streaming Stars, the sequel to Transcender: First Timer, by Vicky Savage, follows Jaden Beckett in her further adventures in Domerica. She had returned to Connecticut at the end of the last book, and we find her reuniting with the quirky but oddly endearing companion and guide of hers, Ralston of the IUGA (Inter-Universal Guidance Agency). He gives her the chance to go back to Domerica and reunite with her one true love, Ryder, and take back up her post as a pampered princess in this society, and she immediately takes him up on it. But things have changed dramatically in her beloved Domerica: her mirror mother (not her birth mother but her mirror image in this world) is deathly ill, Ryder may not still feel the same way for her as she does for him, and political intrigue swirls around the country. To make things even more complicated, Asher, another Transcender, shows her the whole new world of hopping to and from different realities and worlds. Who does she truly love? Where does she truly belong? I thought this book was even better than the first. The wonderful aspects of the first still remain: the gorgeous description (still love the food, dresses, and Skorplings), the terrific characters, and the twists in the plot. The world building is astounding, as Savage has to develop a whole new society with its own political intrigue. Then there is the introduction of Asher, the second love interest. Ryder is nice in his own well muscled way, but Asher is more fascinating of the two. However, I have a bad habit of rooting for the wrong guy! The end left me breathless and impatient for the last installment of this trilogy. Savage has really honed her technique, and this book is more polished than the first one. Jaden is a very likeable protagonist, and Savage combines Jaden's teenage angst with her intelligence in a winning combo. Overall, a wonderful follow up to the first novel, and Savage only gets better and better with each word. I can't wait to read the last book in the trilogy. less
Reviews (see all)
Great 2nd book in trilogy! Can't wait for the third she really leaves a cliffhanger!
loved it better then the first...love this new author
Waiting (im)patiently for Book #3!!! Great series!!
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