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So Tough To Tame (2013)

by Victoria Dahl(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 3
0373777892 (ISBN13: 9780373777891)
Harlequin HQN
Jackson Hole
review 1: Rating: 3.5 starsSensuality: HotThis is my first Victoria Dahl book. I have not read the other books in this series (Close Enough to Touch, Too Hot to Handle) and I do not feel that I was missing anything by not having read them. Walker and Charlie are both flawed characters with secrets that are holding them back in their lives. They knew each other in high school, but weren't really friends. She always found him attractive, but she was a good girl and she wasn't "in his league." He was a bit of a bad boy that everyone knew and loved and she was a nice girl that he thought was too good for him. Now they are all grown up and they aren't the same anymore. I really liked Walker's character. He was a bit down on himself, but just happy to go along with his life. Alwa... moreys nice to everyone and willing to help out anyone in need. Charlie was a little over-the-top trying to be a bad girl. She repeated over and over how she could sleep with whomever she wanted and that was nobody's business. Okay, we get it. Women can have sex and enjoy it. The story was good and fairly well done. I was a little overloaded with the sex talk, though. The whole story revolves around talking about sex, thinking about sex, or having sex. It just seems like the actual story got lost in the sex talk. I think if you actually take out all the sex, then the book would be about half the length.Overall a good book with a little too much sex (with the use of the more graphic words for body parts). Had there been more story, then I would have rated it much higher. The writing is done well and story develops well.*I received this book from Amazon Vine to review*
review 2: Although I had trouble buying into the level of expertise and education that the main character supposedly had, a so-called security expert, I had more trouble buying the idea that a "security expert" as well paid as her would be needed by a resort on a full time capacity. I mean really - she did background checks on employees and set up survellience cameras - all of which can be easily contracted out and not needing a full time person.Anyway, back to the alternate universe of Romance.The sex was plentiful and hot. There was humour involved. The big cowyboy was sexy as heck. There was a tender side story about the male protagonist having a natural ability to work with disAbled kids. I mean, I read Romance books for the escapism and this one had the necessary attributes.I enjoyed it. less
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I think I've read too many of these in too short a time period.
Good Read, well done in all aspects.
Just did not enjoy the story.
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