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Wentworth Hall (2012)

by Abby Grahame(Favorite Author)
2.89 of 5 Votes: 4
1442451963 (ISBN13: 9781442451964)
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
review 1: Wentworth Hall is a minor Downton Abbey (the current rave programme on British television), even the strap line on the front of the paperback edition of 'Wentworth Hall' states, 'And you thought there were secrets at the Abbey'. I imagine they mean Downton for there is no Abbey in the novel!Above and below stairs there are strained relationships, unsettling rumours and petty jealousy between both servants and the people of the house. Maggie Darlington, Lila Darlington and later Wesley Darlington, who returns from a sojourn in America, all have their secrets and they often clash with groom Michael, baby minder Therese, who is a French girl and housemaid Nora while Mrs Howard, in charge of below stairs, tries desperately to keep everything in order.Then when a rich orphaned ... morebrother and sister, twins Jessica and Teddy Fitzhugh, arrive at Wentworth, the tension builds even more. Lord and Lady Darlington are accused of only taking them in because Wentworth is in decline and an influx of money is needed to keep it going and they feel that it could come from the twins' inheritance once they attain the age of 18.In a dramatic climax, things become clearer and there is a sensational ending to the whole tale, which, despite being a little slow at times, keeps the reader interested all through.
review 2: It was okay. It reminded me of The Luxe to be honest, with very similar storylines, but with much less plot and without the dose of reality that The Luxe seemed to have. I really hated the satires and thought they were pointless and a bad touch to the novel, but once it became part of the story it was less annoying. It probably could have become part of the novel much sooner than it did. A lot of the plot was predictable; I had a lot of it figured out before it was stated in the book. Overall, it was a quick read and amusing at least. less
Reviews (see all)
This book just wasn't good; flat characters, boring plot, predictable, and yet somehow I liked it.
Not worth a read. It reminded me of Downton Abbey fanfiction.
Gossip Girl meets Downton Abby me likey
Absolutely fantastic read!
Interesting YA read.
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