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A Mariposa No Espelho (2014)

by A.G. Howard(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: This novella is the hold over for between books 1 & 2 (obviously since it's labeled 1.5), and is intriguing. I like getting parts of a story from different perspectives and getting inside Morpheus' head was fantastic. I loved his character in Splintered, and I will say it again - I hope he wins. Morpheus wishes to know more about his competition in order to win Alyssa's heart. So, he works his magic to get inside of Jeb's head. He walks the path of a mortals thoughts and gives their side of the story as they size each other up.I wasn't impressed with Jeb in Splintered, and I am decidedly more against him now. The novella served the purpose of almost making him seem like an exist-able character, but overall it didn't work for me. Even with Morpheus seeming semi-crazy, I wan... moret him to win.
review 2: I love this little interlude between book 1 and 2 in the Splintered series.That being said, I wish there was more Morpheus in it. I was expecting to get into his mind and that just didn't happen. The characters that are twisted and tap dance that line between good and evil are so much more fascinating to me than the Prince Charmings. They have more depth and have reasons to be who they are and I want to get into the psychology of Morpheus in all of this.Onto Unhinged! less
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It was good. I would have liked some more Morpheus in it, but it was good.
¿Ya les había dicho que amo a Morfeo? ¿No? Bueno, ya lo saben.
Gotta love Morpheus!
Still don't like Jeb
2.5 stars
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