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Never Goin' Back: Winning The Weight-Loss Battle For Good (2012)

by Al Roker(Favorite Author)
3.49 of 5 Votes: 3
0451414934 (ISBN13: 9780451414939)
NAL Hardcover
review 1: This is a personal view of his struggle with weight. Like all "self help" books it is verbose and repetitious, but this just serves to pound the message into the reader; it reads well and all this is helpful. It includes many embarrassing incidents, from childhood bullying to daily insults to diarrhoea in the White House. On the positive side, helpful hints on how to deal with the situations, from the viewpoint of an adult - kids and spouses are dealt with in detail. Includes a few bad words, but not many; kids may amplify their vocabulary this way. Part of his routine is pretty expensive but can be adapted to one's own economic level. Emphasizes slow but steady, and encourages us all to get with the effort. Also includes some of his recipes, as yet untried by me bu... moret many look good. Remember - diet AND exercise, CONSISTENTLY but not monotonously. Recommended for all who need to lose weight and for those who love us.
review 2: This was an awesome quick read. I read an interview that Roker did with Parade magazine a few months ago. It was humurous and genuine and he offered strategies that he uses to keep the weight off. The one that really caught my eye was weighing himself every day. I lost 43 pounds over the course of a year and have been battling with the scale, but I must admit when I started weighing myself daily it eased the pressure.Before reading the article, I'd weigh myself once a week and be heartbroken if I gained weight or didn't lose any. Now, I feel like I really know what is going on with my body and stepping on the scale no longer evokes fear. After reading the article, I decided to read the book. Roker mixes humor in with his battle against the bulge. He does make it clear that he is not offering any advice, he is simply telling the reader how he did it and I appreciate that. So many times, we see people lose weight and suddenly become fitness experts. What works for one person may not work for you and I'm glad Roker makes that clear.With that said, if you are interested in losing weight or in the midst of the battle of the bulge, pick this book up. It is a good read. less
Reviews (see all)
If you like Al and are interested in weight related issues you will probably like this book. I did.
read it in one day... couldn't put it down. Funny and candid.... very interesting.
A nice candid approach to weight loss surgery.
Honest and enlightening
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