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Body Armor (2010)

by Alana Matthews(Favorite Author)
3.43 of 5 Votes: 5
0373695063 (ISBN13: 9780373695065)
Bodyguard of the Month
review 1: Anna Sanford never thought she would ever see her old boyfriend and hopeful husband Brody Carpenter ever again. Even more surprising was how he suddenly appeared as she was being attacked. When Brody received Owen Sanford's message to protect Anna's life just days after his own murder, Brody doesn't think twice before returning to the life he walked away from. Four years ago, Brody was accused of destroying evidence against a local drug king for money and although acquitted, his career on the force was over. Although he always had the support of Anna and Owen's family, the residual effects were too much and he left without a word. Now he's trying to protect the woman he should have never left while trying to gain her trust. With the police force, including her ex husband F... morerank, not believing the attacks were true. As more and more attacks happen, each time after a button, Brody and Anna can't help but fall into the feeling of the past. Although the good part is skipped, it doesn't take long for the two to jump back together in bed. But the surprise comes to Brody when he learns Anna was pregnant when he left her. The son he thought was Frank's. When her mom and son, Adam, is taken, Brody and Anna are against the clock to save their son. Teaming up with Frank, they arrange a meeting place to exchange the button for Mom and Adam. Going in, Brody is surprised when Frank puts a gun to his head and reveals his part in everything that has happened. When Anna finds them, Brody makes one last power play to save her life. Although delayed, Brody finally gets the Christmas with the family he never knew he had, but had always wanted.
review 2: Is it me or are the books I have been reading getting worse and worse? I pick them with the intention of getting a good smutty read out of them. This one ... the smut isn't so smutty with barely a sentence worth of actual smut or romace. The romance wasn't very romantic. The plot was fairly see-through. The adventure not so much. The intrigue not so much. The danger not so much. The outcome not so plausible; though I don't think anyone was fooled by Frank. Now I admit that I don't know anyone who'se been shot before to know whether or not taking three in the chest at close range would kill a person or not. And the whole rfid info thing seemed kind of vague and far fetched. less
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found a new series (Bodyguard of the month) that I so love
Miniseries: Bodyguard of the Month
Miniseries: Bodyguard of the Month
Nice and fast-paced.
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