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One Knight's Bargain (2013)

by Alexandra O'Hurley(Favorite Author)
3.22 of 5 Votes: 4
1771302771 (ISBN13: 9781771302777)
Evernight Publishing
Knights of the Temple
review 1: Sybille de Campion is raising her three brothers since their parents left them by herself. She tries teaching them the best way she can. A mysterious man named Sir Eustache arrives at her home claiming that Sybille is to be his bride. Sybille refuses to believe this until she reads a letter in her father's own hand. Sybille will do what is necessary to protect her brothers including marrying Eustache. Will she accept Eustache? Your answers await you in One Knight's Bargain.
review 2: This book looked promising at first, but after reading, I can absolutely understand why it was free. Our leading man is a brute with a nice body. He calls the girl he's been dreaming about buying for 3 years a wench for the first half of the book. I thought the book was finally
... moregetting some ground and then to my surprise, the authors note showed up. After the first night of sex (and the first time the girl shows she's warming up to the guy) the author does a time skip to a year later when she goes into labor. The book ends with her telling him "now" when he warns her she should be going into labor any day now. Maybe (and that's a BIG maybe) this could of had been a decent book had it of not been a short story. Sadly it was, and as a result, it was a poor excuse for a story. less
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This needs to be much longer. Great short read
wow. really liked this book but way to short.
wow that was short and fast
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