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Hide And Sheep (2011)

by Andrea Beaty(Favorite Author)
3.29 of 5 Votes: 1
1416925449 (ISBN13: 9781416925446)
Margaret K. McElderry Books
review 1: I'm not sure what it was about the illustrations of this book, but it made my eyes sore, like watching a 3D movie without the glasses. Supposedly the farmer is chasing these sheep throughout the book, but you never see him until the end when he is running through a schoolyard full of children with open hedge shears. In a world full of growing school violence, I found this disturbing.And I still have no idea how knitting was supposed to fit in - you shear sheep to make them clothes? Just weird.
review 2: What a cute book to read to children. It helps them count, has a great rhyming scheme to it, and keeps them engaged with silliness. the sheep in the story and what they do is hilarious. I found myself chuckling on each page, because not only were the picture
... mores funny, but the text was witty and smart. It was also refreshing to see how the author incorporated counting backwards in the story until there was one sheep left. This type of counting is crucial to teach kids so they are able to work on subtraction. So not only does this book teach students about rhyming and reading, it is also subconsciously teaching them mathematics.I would recommend this book for grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade. less
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Super cute! Illustrations are adorable and a good read-aloud.
Got a little tongue tied a few times, but this one was cute.
This is a great read aloud and great for counting also!
Awesomely funny illustrations.
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