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Firefighter Ted (2009)

by Andrea Beaty(Favorite Author)
3.56 of 5 Votes: 2
1416928219 (ISBN13: 9781416928218)
Margaret K. McElderry Books
review 1: Read this to my preschool class today, and one or two of them obviously knew it already. It's a little old for my group-- most of my kids haven't encountered anything like a science fair, and firefighters only really rescue kittens from trees in movies, but we talked about it along the way. I don't think my kids found it funny, at least not on this readthrough, but they did recognize that Ted wasn't being as helpful as he thought he was. Oh, well; at least it was more fun to read than most picture books out there about firefighters that are all information and no plot.
review 2: My son likes this book but I am not a fan. When reading it to him I add my own edits to make it more acceptable (since he likes it). But it grates on my nerves. In theory, it's cute. Ho
... morewever, although he means to be helpful, Ted actually isn't helpful. Yet at the end of the day he "knew he did a good job." Really?! If you think you're being helpful but actually are wreaking havoc or causing more problems for other people that reflects a high level of disconnect between your self awareness, awareness of others & your awareness of your impact on others. That's not what I want my kids to learn. I want my kids to be aware enough to recognize what other people actually need & be responsive to that. I also didn't like the tone of the book. Ted talks back to his principal when the principal is correcting him & Ted's mom kind of harshly tells him to just "go to school." Perhaps some may view my review as being overly nit-picky. But I believe kids are little sponges, & I want to be careful what messages mine are absorbing. less
Reviews (see all)
I love these big bold illustrations, great one-on-one read/too lengthy for storytime.
This is a very cute book teaching children about safety. I love the illustrations!
Hilarious! A must read (must own, even!) for all parents!
Cute, but not as well excecuted as Doctor Ted.
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