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Burning Up (2000)

by Anne Marsh(Favorite Author)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 1
0758266812 (ISBN13: 9780758266811)
Smoke Jumpers
review 1: This is the first smoke- jumper firefighters book I ever read and also the first in a series. It was very interesting learning all the details of forest fire fighting plus the type of person needed to be able to handle fire crisis at a moments notice. The author’s research made for an educational twist. The book was a romance filled with suspense and mystery. The writer balances the talents of the characters with their weakness. In this book of the series, Jack and Lily are the main characters. Throughout the book you can take part as they discover a new level of maturity both individually and together. They have to deal with the havoc caused by a stalker/arsonist out to destroy their relationship. Adopted in their youth, Jack is one of three brothers involved in the... more series. The brothers are very close to each other and their mother. It shows the closeness of family relationships and the closeness of a small town residents with each other. Looking forward to the rest of the series. This is an intense, intriguing, suspenseful booktopped off by romance. Jump into the story to help find the stalker/arsonist and stop him from doing anymore harm to the town or Lily & Jack!!!I received this book through a Goodreads giveaway.
review 2: I gave up on reading this book. The story focused on Jack's return to his hometown when his mother figure asks him to come home to help fight the recent outbreak of fires. Jack has vowed not to return as he has unfinished business with Lily and doesn't want to be confined to the small town. But since he feels he owes his mother for taking him in, he returns home without a protest. Immediately he finds out that Lily, a girl he apparently cannot get out of his head, is the victim of the recent fire attacks and it seems to be personal. She has a stalker that sets fires to her possessions which caused her to flee San Francisco and return home. Unfortunately, her stalker followed her and is causing the same problems in her small hometown. This is just about as far as I could get. The story had some interest for me as I wanted to know who her stalker is, but I just couldn't get over some of the major aspects of this plot. Lily apparently told the police about her stalker and is scared enough to flee but yet doesn't want to take any security precautions when she gets home. She also seems to think that moving will solve her issues which seems naive to me. Also the "history" between Jack and Lily that they cannot forget is just one day of meeting at the creek and him giving her a kiss and a ride home. To base a whole "history" and angst between two characters on that one meeting felt ridiculous and made me not even want to finish the story. less
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Anne Marsh rocks! Great series and cant wait to read about the others and their smoke jumping ways!
really liked this beginning to a new series. plus can you really go wrong with hot firefighters:)
good series
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