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Charms And Chocolate Chips (2013)

by Bailey Cates(Favorite Author)
3.97 of 5 Votes: 1
0451240626 (ISBN13: 9780451240620)
A Magical Bakery Mystery
review 1: Enjoyable third entry in the Magical Bakery Shop series. Katie Lightfoot finds herself a "catalyst" for another adventure when she stumbles upon the murder of a not-for-profit organizer whose biggest volunteer also happens to be a witch and the granddaughter of one of the spellbook club members. Juggling her business, volunteer work, and a visit from her previously estranged mother, Katie also has to balance her relationships with the two main men in her life and the members of the club and that is not always easy.
review 2: By now I really should know better than to skip a book in the series. Started the 3rd book before I had read the second one so I got spoiled on a few things. And of course I totally disagree on the love triangle result. I wasn't as thrill
... moreed with this book as I was the first book in this series. The mystery is sound, but the climax is...not really satisfying. It is just revealved and ends in a confrontation and the same solve as in the first book. Plus there are a lot of magical lose ends that are just glossed over. 3.75 / 5 stars for this one. less
Reviews (see all)
A light, fun magical mystery in an engaging series with intriguing characters.
Loved this whole series, will definitely keep reading this author.
I liked the others better, but this was still a fun read.
It is a fluffy meringue mystery... a quick snack.
Enjoyable series, this book had some uf leanings.
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