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Despierta (2012)

by Beth Revis(Favorite Author)
3.79 of 5 Votes: 4
Across the Universe
review 1: This book is about an interesting concept, written in the alternating viewpoints of a teenage boy and girl. The book is about a part of humanity traveling to the planet of Centauri-Earth, located near the stars Centauri-A and Centauri-B. This is a realistic setting, for recent studies now show that there is a possibility for life in that solar system. The book was an easy read, but also delved deep into what it really means to be human.
review 2: Con este libro tuvo una de las experiencias más raras. Mi experiencia de amor y odio con este libro fue muy intensa; comencé odiándolo, luego amándolo y así sucesivamente. La historia tenía una muy buena trama y una especialidad con el sentido de que me atrapaba en sus paginas por mucho que no me gustará el libr
... moreo, la ligera forma de escribir fue algo de lo que nunca me pude quejar. Me gustó el misterio y los giros que tenía, los personajes y el desarrollo de su sociedad estuvieron bastante bien (aunque hay algo que aún no me convence del todo). Pero si el siguiente sigue así de bueno o mejor, no hay razón por la cual quejarse. Quiero leer el segundo pronto al igual que muchas continuaciones y cada vez más amo el 2014 less
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This book is a perfect combination of mystery, suspense, and love. By just looking at the cover, one might assume that it's just a typical young adult novel, but once they read the first page, they can see that they're completely wrong. The novel is about a new space adventure that is intended on taking the human population to a new planet, but has a huge plot twist that turns the whole adventure into something different. When one of the girls wakes up and falls in love with one of the guys on the space ship, the adventure turns into something completely different that just really makes you want to keep reading. This book is so amazing and just makes you want to never stop reading and see what happens to the main characters.
You cab figure out the murder mystery without much effort at all but the characters are dealing with sufficiently heavy and awful stuff. From the first chapter, even if Amy is a rather bland (though often angry) character, I found myself empathizing with her after the emotional introduction. Elder grew on me over time. Eldest is a very clear kind if villain, not a President Snow figure, though occupying essentially the same position. But the world is compelling, dark, and I look forward to reading further books.
It never got any better. This was pretty bad by any standard.
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